Did the Holy Spirit Nudge You?

Well, did you do your homework?  Did Jesus open your eyes in a new way to those around you?  Did you feel the nudge of the Holy Spirit with regard to some in the natural path of your life?  I hope you genuinely prayed for this and that you were open to the Lord working as you asked Him to.

If you did you may have noticed people in any of a number of areas of life.  In their book “A Field Guide for Everyday Mission” authors Ben Connely and Bob Roberts, Jr. list a number of different places that you may have noticed “everyday mission field” people in the natural path of your life.

  • Your workplace or school
  • Our literal neighbours
  • The marginalized in our society
  • The world: both here and there
  • Our families

The above list may surprise you a bit, as I asked you to think about those in the natural path of your life.  You may think that the marginalized and the world, here and there, may not seem in the natural path of your life.  They may very well be, depending on where God has planted you.

I must say that when I first saw the list above I was a bit shocked, but then I prayed that God would open my eyes and heart to what he wanted me to see.  He did just that and over the last few days.  He has shown me the marginalized that I pass every day in different contexts that I would have never said were on my natural life path but they are.

I also have come to a new understanding of the natural path of my life and how it is not restricted to the few miles I travel each day around Leduc.  I realized after praying today that over the last three days I have had a connection with dear friends in Ethiopia and Europe numerous times this week.  Some of those connections have been with believers, but a few have been with those in dire need of the gospel.

Now I ask you to do the same thing I did in the last post.  Please pray again that God would open your eyes even more as you pray for those around you.