Did the Holy Spirit Nudge You?

Well, did you do your homework?  Did Jesus open your eyes in a new way to those around you?  Did you feel the nudge of the Holy Spirit with regard to some in the natural path of your life?  I hope you genuinely prayed for this and that you were open to the Lord working as you asked Him to.

If you did you may have noticed people in any of a number of areas of life.  In their book “A Field Guide for Everyday Mission” authors Ben Connely and Bob Roberts, Jr. list a number of different places that you may have noticed “everyday mission field” people in the natural path of your life.

  • Your workplace or school
  • Our literal neighbours
  • The marginalized in our society
  • The world: both here and there
  • Our families

The above list may surprise you a bit, as I asked you to think about those in the natural path of your life.  You may think that the marginalized and the world, here and there, may not seem in the natural path of your life.  They may very well be, depending on where God has planted you.

I must say that when I first saw the list above I was a bit shocked, but then I prayed that God would open my eyes and heart to what he wanted me to see.  He did just that and over the last few days.  He has shown me the marginalized that I pass every day in different contexts that I would have never said were on my natural life path but they are.

I also have come to a new understanding of the natural path of my life and how it is not restricted to the few miles I travel each day around Leduc.  I realized after praying today that over the last three days I have had a connection with dear friends in Ethiopia and Europe numerous times this week.  Some of those connections have been with believers, but a few have been with those in dire need of the gospel.

Now I ask you to do the same thing I did in the last post.  Please pray again that God would open your eyes even more as you pray for those around you.

Question 1: Who is My My Everyday Mission Field

I recently had a well-meaning person tell me that they appreciated my work in Africa.  I was excited to hear this, but then they continued.  “I am glad to see that you DO have a heart for missions” were the next words out of their mouth.  I was not suprised by this comment, but more saddened.

We have for too long designated the Church’s work overseas as missions and the work at home as discipleship.  I am not sure what neighbourhood you live in, but mine is as much, if not more, a mission field as is Africa.  This week in our look at the idea of everyday mission, I want us to be reminded of this.

I want us to be ever mindful of the fact that the mission field, our mission field, is made up of those in need and those who God has placed in the natural path of our lives.

In the book of James Jesus’ brother himself tells us “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world“ and “If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself,’ you are doing well.”  James 1:27 and 2:8

Over the next few days take a serious look at where you spend most of your time.  For most of us, if we don’t count our sleeping time, we spend most of our time at home or school/work.  Keep a track of how much time you spend where, and keep your eyes open to those who are around you.  I mean really open your eyes to see the people.  Not the people that you always talk to or hang out with, but the people that are there that you may not know much about as well as those you are connected with.

Ask Jesus to allow you to really see people and their needs.  Make a conscious effort this week to connect with someone that God lays on your heart as you pay attention to those around you.

Pay close attention to the nudging of the Holy Spirit with regard to those around you, and then act on the nudging.  I find that when I do this I am always glad I did. I am sure you will find the same!

Have a blessed week as you tune into the what God is doing and wants you to do.

This video challenged me and made me think.  Christian leader and authour Dave Gibbons talks about some important issues for missional leaders within the church.  He addresses some hard issues, issues that we need to be thinking about as our world changes.  Gibbons gives insight on how the love of Christ can take us into the mess of the world in an effective manner.

The Six Big Questions

I am a news hound.  I have always loved  watching the news to keep up with what is happening in our world.  While I like the news, I often find it very frustrating.  I am amazed at how often I will watch a news story and in the end have no clue what the story was about.  I often have more questions at the end of the story than I did before I heard it.  Quite often I find that the reporters do not answer the fundamental questions that the general viewer would have.

In their book “A Field Guide to Everyday Mission: 30 Days and 101 Ways to Demonstrate the Gospel” Ben Connelly and Bob Robert’s Jr. the authors’ desire is to help those desiring to me missionaries in their neighbourhoods answer the most important questions.  The questions they want their readers to answer are:

  1. Who is my everyday mission field?
  2. What does an everyday missionary do?
  3. When does everyday mission happen?
  4. Where does everyday mission happen?
  5. Why should I even care about everyday mission?
  6. How do I share the gospel without killing the relationship?

Over the next ten weeks, I want to unpack these questions very carefully and thoroughly.  These questions may seem very simple, and maybe some are, but answering them is only part of the solution.  The other part of the formula is learning to put the arrived at answer into everyday practice.

We will seek to address these questions with a particular focus on our context of Leduc, Leduc County and the other locations where God has planted our LFC community members.

I want to make sure that we as a community at Leduc Fellowship wrestle with these questions and put our faith into action.  As we are studying through the Gospel of Mark, we have and will see the hope that the Gospel brought into the world as Jesus “moved into the neighbourhood”.

Next week, I will begin to unpack the six questions above looking at one question each week.  As we prepare for the journey ahead please be in prayer about these six questions and the four vision questions in the previous post.  Don’t try to answer all of the questions just begin to feel the freedom to ask the questions.

 “Dear friends, do you think you’ll get anywhere in this if you learn all the right words but never do anything? Does merely talking about faith indicate that a person really has it? For instance, you come upon an old friend dressed in rags and half-starved and say, “Good morning, friend! Be clothed in Christ! Be filled with the Holy Spirit!” and walk off without providing so much as a coat or a cup of soup—where does that get you? Isn’t it obvious that God-talk without God-acts is outrageous nonsense?”   James 2:14-17 The Message


Vision Questions For Every Neighbourhood Missionary

Before we get to the official “Five Questions” for every neighbourhood missionary, we want to look at some bigger picture, vision based questions for those who want to be salt and light to the neighbourhood.

The first question, one that is so obvious that it might easily be overlooked, is “What is a “Neighborhood Missionary”?  I do not want to assume that we all have the same level of understanding and/or acceptance of what God is calling us to.  At the same time, I hope that for most this is not new information.  I feel very strongly that God has called his followers to be a community of people on mission where ever he has called them.  This calling includes our families, schoolmates, teammates, coworkers, and yes, our neighbours as well.  We are called to be salt and light wherever God has planted us, but I think we need to reclaim our neighbourhoods as an obvious place that God desires us to shine forth for him.

All that said, a neighbourhood missionary is one that acknowledges their God given call to love those who cross their natural path of life in the natural rhythm of life.  So the first important question we need to answer is “Do we acknowledge and accept the call of God in our lives to be on mission  for and with him?”  I believe we need to be able to answer this before we can move forward with knowing how to care and love our neighbours.  I am not sure that most of us have really wrestled with this question.

There are a number of other big picture questions that I think are foundational to the calling to be on mission with God.  Some of those are:

  • Am I actually called to make disciples?
  • Can I even make friends outside of the Church?
  • What does it look like to share the gospel today?
  • What does it look like to live out the mission of God in my everyday life and at the natural rhythm of my life?

As we begin this journey let’s start by focusing on these foundational questions.  Take some time over the next few days to reflect on these questions.

Primer for Everyday Mission–An Introduction

This is an introduction post for a new blog thread entitled “Primer For Everyday Mission”.  This thread of posts will be presented for 10 weeks and will look at “Five Questions” that need to be asked with regard to living on mission for God in the everyday journey of life.  The goal of these questions will be to develop a heart and strategy for loving and bringing the hope of the Gospel to those that God has placed in the natural paths of our lives.

One of the sources of inspiration for this thread will be book entitled “A Field Guide for Everyday Mission: 30 Days and 101 Ways to Demonstrate the Gospel by Ben Connelly and Bob Roberts, Jr., but there will be many resources used and cited for these posts.

Over the next 10 weeks there will be a blog post for this thread every Tuesday and Thursday, and there will be weekly audio podcast posted each Saturday.  Please check back regularly to stay up to date with the material and challenges presented.

“A church without the broken is a broken church.”
Ed Stetzer

The Costliness of Caring

Sometimes I find sermon preparation difficult.  The main reason that I struggle with it is that there is always 10 or 100 times the material than I will be able to present.  This last week as I worked through chapter 2 of Mark this was very much the case.  I am excited to use the blog as a way to provide extra material to augment the sermon for those who desire more information.

There was one portion of chapter 2 that I would like to have unpacked more, and that was the story of the men who brought their paralytic friend to be healed by Jesus.  I am inspired by this narrative.  In this story, we see a few vital lessons for us as we seek to show the love of Christ to those that God has put in our path of life.

The first thing we see is the compassionate concern that the friends had for their suffering friend.  We do not know much of the background, but we do know that these men wanted their friend to find healing and restoration.  They must have seen his pain throughout his life, and they wanted him to have a better and more fulfilled life.  To them this might be possible through the healing touch of the new teacher of whom they had heard.

Secondly we see their faith.  They just believe that if they can deliver their friend to the feet of the Messiah then there would be hope for him.  So in hope they put their plan of action into play.  They seek to get him to the master, but when they can not make it into the crowded room they are ready with Plan B.  If they can’t come through the door they figure they will go through the roof.  Their faith is that strong that it drives them to be creative.

Our compassion and faith can sometimes be costly, and their creativity would come with a cost.  For them to open the roof of the house where Jesus was teaching would assume that they would be willing to exert the effort or pay the cost to have the roof repaired after all was said and done.  To them the hope of healing for their friend was worth the price that they would have to pay to get their friend before the Saviour.

Are we in our lives compelled by a genuine compassionate concern for our friends, neighbours, and loved ones?  As we seek to meet the needs of those around us, as we desire to get them to the foot of the cross, are we walking in faith?  Are we  willing to pay the cost for such a cause?  It has been my personal experience from my life and the observation of the lives of many that we often hold to these values in theory, but struggle to put them into practice.

Be inspired by the story of these men.

Welcome to My Blog

I want to welcome you to my blog and to let you know how to use this site. This blog is maintained primarily as a place for additional resources for the community of Leduc Fellowship Church.

I will have an occasional random thought on here, but I am striving to have resources for three primary purposes:

  1. To allow the Christ-Follower or the spiritually seeking to grow in a deeper and more intimate relationship with Jesus. Articles, videos, podcasts and other resources for this purpose can be found by clicking the “Discipleship” button above.
  2. To encourage and equip the Christ-Follower, who feels God’s call to be a missionary to those whom God has placed in the natural path of their lives. Articles, videos, podcasts and other resources for this purpose can be found by clicking the “Missional Living” button above. The topics addressed here will seek to help us love our neighbour in the everyday aspects of life.
  3. To strengthen and prepare those called to give missional leadership within our LFC community. These tools will be found by clicking the “Missional Leadership” button above. While geared toward leadership, these resources are available and may be of benefit to anyone so take a look there too.



Above is a video interview with Jeff Vanderstelt.  This is part of a promotional package for a book called A Field Guide for Everyday Mission: 30 Days and 101 Ways to Demonstrate the Gospel.  I am currently reading this book and I will begin a series of posts based on this book in the next few days.  I feel the straight forward approach to living on mission presented in this book will make for great conversation and thought.

For now please enjoy and be challenged by the interview with Jeff.