Question 1: Who is My My Everyday Mission Field

I recently had a well-meaning person tell me that they appreciated my work in Africa.  I was excited to hear this, but then they continued.  “I am glad to see that you DO have a heart for missions” were the next words out of their mouth.  I was not suprised by this comment, but more saddened.

We have for too long designated the Church’s work overseas as missions and the work at home as discipleship.  I am not sure what neighbourhood you live in, but mine is as much, if not more, a mission field as is Africa.  This week in our look at the idea of everyday mission, I want us to be reminded of this.

I want us to be ever mindful of the fact that the mission field, our mission field, is made up of those in need and those who God has placed in the natural path of our lives.

In the book of James Jesus’ brother himself tells us “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world“ and “If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself,’ you are doing well.”  James 1:27 and 2:8

Over the next few days take a serious look at where you spend most of your time.  For most of us, if we don’t count our sleeping time, we spend most of our time at home or school/work.  Keep a track of how much time you spend where, and keep your eyes open to those who are around you.  I mean really open your eyes to see the people.  Not the people that you always talk to or hang out with, but the people that are there that you may not know much about as well as those you are connected with.

Ask Jesus to allow you to really see people and their needs.  Make a conscious effort this week to connect with someone that God lays on your heart as you pay attention to those around you.

Pay close attention to the nudging of the Holy Spirit with regard to those around you, and then act on the nudging.  I find that when I do this I am always glad I did. I am sure you will find the same!

Have a blessed week as you tune into the what God is doing and wants you to do.