Creating Your Own Gospel Story-Part Deux

When you look at the “Gospel Storytelling Logo above, the first question that may come to mind is “what does BI, BT, and BO stand for?”.  These three abbreviations are in the logo to remind us of the three parts of our personal gospel story:  God Breaking In(to) our lives (BI), God Breaking Through (BT) our hurt, sin and shame and God Breaking Out (BO) on mission through our redeemed lives.

One of the best ways to learn how God has worked or is working in your life is to hear testimonies of how he has worked in the lives of others.  With this in mind, it would seem to follow that the best way for us to help others see how God is striving to break into their lives would be to share with them our testimony of God’s work in our lives.

If you want to naturally give testimony to the Gospel’s impact on your life, it is as easy as following the BI, BT, BO formula. While some do not like the idea of formulas, we simply use this term to represent an easy and efficient way to outline the powerful work of God in your life through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

If you are serious about becoming more natural and proficient in your ability to tell your own Gospel Story, please take the time over the next number of weeks to do the activities presented in these articles.  These exercises will allow you to piece together your personal “Gospel Story”.

GST Red Banner Trans2

Breaking In Exercise:  Set aside a period of time (30-60 minutes) to focus on how God has broken into your life. Make sure you will be able to unplug and remove yourself from anything that will distract you.

As you begin your time of reflection, pray that God would remove any distractions so you might hear clearly from the Lord.

Then ask the Lord to bring to mind the ways that he broke into your life.  These BI moments may have come through troubles, hurts, blessings, relationships, messages heard, scriptures read, songs, poems, quiet reflection, or any of a myriad of other ways.  God calls us all in different ways, and at different times in our lives.  Make sure not to rush this process.  It may take a bit of time for the memories to come to mind.

Make a list of the times and ways that God Broke In, the ways he got your attention, the moments when you cried out to him, the times that others spoke into your life.  Once you have listed these things, keep them safely tucked away in a safe spot until next week!